Saturday, October 06, 2007

11 Amazingly Simple Tricks To Turn Your Brain Into A Powerful Thinking Machine

Today, I enjoyed reading the article 10 Amazingly Simple Tricks To Turn Your Brain Into A Powerful Thinking Machine. Actually, my life includes most of the them since quite a time, except for points 4 and 9. Ok and the first "trick" I only do partly, because I don't focus that much on varying the the subjects - but who's perfect. ;-)

However one important thing is left on the list, maybe because it is not so simple as the others:

0. Exercise every 1 or 2 days

It has been shown recently, that for adults the only way to create new brain cells is exercise. Especially these greatly improve learning and memory, if combined with the daily brain training like described in 1-10. The reason is that the new cells get instantly inserted into the neural network where needed, which is a faster process than optimizing by transforming/rebuilding it.
So this is really step zero, since without challenging the mind (brain training, learning), the new cells will not be linked strong enough and therefore will die within a few weeks.

Regularly sport and fitness exercises are great, but I believe not using the elevator for changing only 1-3 floors and going small distances by foot or bike are nice additions.

[1] First Proof that Exercise Creates New Cells in Brain Area Affecting Age-Related Memory Loss
[2] Das Wundermittel namens Bewegung - Hirnforscher revidieren alte Lehrmeinungen (german)

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